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Wrap Up Spring Cleaning By Putting These 4 Things In Self-Storage!

Lockaway Storage | March 23, 2018 @ 12:00 AM

Don’t you love that feeling when you’ve finally put in the hours of spring cleaning your home deserves?

As San Antonio starts to heat up, there’s no better feeling than coming home to a cool, clean home. Between washing, scrubbing, fluffing, and organizing, everything just seems right in the world! Or does it? Do you have a pile of things that you’re just not sure what to do with?

Things that you really only use on a monthly or yearly basis? Or maybe could be put on a rotation schedule in order to free up valuable space? Well, we have compiled a list of four items that we think might be in that pile and could be put into self storage!

Deep Cleaning Supplies

Calling all serious spring cleaners! If you are storing your heavy-duty cleaning machines and chemicals at home, it’s time to rethink your strategy.

Unless you are using these things on a weekly basis, we think you’ll be amazed at how much space you’ll free up in your home if you consider putting them in self-storage!


Of course, it’s going to be great taking back the space that you once used as a cleaning supply closet, but there are other more serious benefits. Keeping your cleaning machines out of the house should also be a priority if you have pets or small children.

Children’s Toys Take Up Too Much Room

Shout out to all the parents and child caretakers out there!

It’s not easy keeping all those toys your kids play with organized and cared for. When those toys start overflowing their bins and playrooms, don’t you think spring cleaning is the perfect time to take control of the situation?

We do! For all those toys you know your child simply cannot live without but only plays with a few times out of the year, self storage can help bring calm to the toy storm.

One way to utilize self-storage is to put toys on a rotational schedule, where every few months toys at home are swapped for toys kept in the storage unit. Another similar way would be to have a “Toy Library” set up in your unit where you and your child go every so often and they can check out or swap toys for ones they no longer use.

Not only will they feel like they have a brand new set of toys, but you’ll also be able to minimize the amount of toy congestion at home! Less clean-up and healthier kids? Sounds like self-storage for toys is a winner to us!

Seasonal Home Decor and Furnishings

Some of us really enjoy going all out for holidays and seasons (and are probably frequenters of Collector’s Gallery!). So much so that we end up having entire garages and closets full of decor and furnishings that we only use for a small portion of the year.

Wouldn’t it be nice to have that space for things you use on a more frequent basis? Or know exactly what you have in stock without having to un-organize and dig through all your supplies every time?


Having a well-lit and clean space will allow you to pull items you need with ease. We recommend investing in some see-through storage containers along with a marker and masking tape for labeling.

You should also consider self-storage for all of your outdoor furniture and gear as well! Even in San Antonio where the weather is fairly nice all year long, there are periods of time when you just won’t find yourself hanging around on the patio relaxing and entertaining.

During those times you could be doubling the life of things like grills, patio furniture, and blow-up pools by storing them somewhere out of the elements, and that somewhere doesn’t have to be your garage.

Clothes and Accessories not in the Closet

From beautiful gowns and expensive suits to seasonal and recreational gear, there are probably things in your closet that are taking up space that aren't regularly worn. Self-storage is the perfect solution for freeing up closet space and reducing stress when getting dressed!

Unless you have a spare closet, chances are you are putting your unused clothes and accessories into storage bins, vacuum-sealed bags, or even just plastic grocery sacks!


Doing this almost guarantees that your clothes will be wrinkled the next time you need to wear them, and some of those wrinkles may never come out! Shoes, belts, and hats may become misshapen and rendered unusable if not properly stored.

With self-storage, you can make sure that all your favorite items are preserved until you need them! With a simple garment rack and hanging garment bags, you can store your clothes away from dust, pest, water, and free of wrinkles in your storage unit!

The Take-Away

Spring cleaning can be a chore, but self-storage can make it easier by helping you declutter and re-organize your home. By providing a safe and clean environment to store your valuables, you’ll also be saving a ton of money and time.

Many items become damaged or hard to find at home because our available storage is inadequate. This means we have to take time out of our schedule to run to the store to replace damaged items or buy duplicates of items because we can’t find them fast enough.

We hope that our list of four types of things to store after spring cleaning was helpful! Of course, everyone has different storage needs, but we feel that our list is a good start for thinking about what items you have that might be better off being stored!

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