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Lockaway Storage’s San Antonio Team Participates In Angel Tree

Lockaway Storage | December 22, 2017 @ 12:00 AM

Do you ever feel like you just don’t have enough time during the holiday season? It’s true that we have a lot of family and professional obligations during the holidays, but that shouldn’t keep us from giving back to those less fortunate. That’s what this season is about, right?

For Lockaway Storage, Angel Tree was the perfect opportunity to spread holiday cheer in a short amount of time in 2018. Angel Tree is a program put on by the Salvation Army that collects presents for children who otherwise would go without on Christmas morning.

“There are a lot of low-income families. It’s also for people who have lost everything in a natural disaster, like Hurricane Harvey.” they said. “It’s normally only done at shopping malls, so that’s why we were so interested in it, because a lot of people, the team at Lockaway Storage, don’t want to go to the mall on Christmas day. It felt like more people would see it if we had it in our stores. Then elderly people could contribute. I found out Angel Tree also helps senior citizens too.”

Angel Tree makes sure everyone who received a present is given essentials like socks, mittens and other types of clothing in addition to what they request as their most-wanted present. The Lockaway Storage teams from Babcock, Huebner, Shaenfield and Culebra, along with team members, and a few residents, raised enough presents to provide a happy Christmas morning to 14 San Antonio area children.

Great job to everyone who participated! We’re excited to see how 2019's Angel Tree campaign helps San Antonio’s kids!

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