A collection of moving boxes, labeled with specific rooms and sealed with packing tapes. A chair covered in a dust cloth and a suitcase sit behind the boxes.

Avoid These Common Packing Mistakes for a Smooth Move

Lockaway Storage | April 11, 2024 @ 12:00 AM

Moving to a new home or office can be exciting, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t exhausting. There’s always plenty to do–sorting through your belongings, organizing, packing–and the prospect of getting ready to move can be daunting. Don’t worry, Lockaway Storage is here to help! We’re experts when it comes to safe, efficient packing. We’ve compiled a list of seven common packing mistakes that you should steer clear of. Take a look!

Mistake 1: Not Planning Ahead

One of the biggest mistakes people make when packing for a move is failing to plan ahead. It's essential to create a game plan outlining the order in which you'll pack your belongings, what items will be packed on each day, and what should be left for the last minute. Additionally, consider grouping similar items together and packing them accordingly. Don't forget to assemble an essentials bag with items you'll need immediately upon arrival at your new location–you don’t want to be ripping open boxes looking for your toothpaste, water bottle, or change of clothes! 

Mistake 2: Not Giving Yourself Enough Time

Underestimating the time required to pack is another common error. Be realistic about your timeline–and then give yourself even more time than that. Aim to start packing at least two weeks before your move, dedicating 1-2 hours per day to packing up each room. Giving yourself ample time will help reduce stress and ensure a thorough and organized packing process.

Mistake 3: Not Getting Enough Supplies

Picture this: you’re almost done packing, your rooms are nearly empty, you just have a little more to go…and you’re out of boxes. Now you have to go run and buy more, throwing off your entire packing process. Frustrating, isn’t it? Avoid this possibility by stocking up on packing materials like boxes, tape, bubble wrap, and packing peanuts. It's better to have more supplies than you think you'll need to avoid last-minute trips to the store. We’d recommend investing in sturdy moving boxes to safeguard your belongings during transit, as relying on flimsy containers or garbage bags can lead to damage. 


Many Lockaway Storage facilities sell moving and packing supplies–so if you do need to pick up bubble wrap, packing tape, or heavy duty moving boxes, you can always trust the experts!

Mistake 4: Packing Too Much

Before starting to pack, take the time to declutter and get rid of items you no longer need or use. Whether it’s clothing you haven’t worn, those obscure kitchen tools that have been sitting in your junk drawer for years, or unused soap and shampoo, you probably have a lot of things that would only take up space in the moving truck. Donate, sell, store, or discard belongings that no longer serve a purpose to you. 

If you don’t have room at your new place for treasured heirlooms or your full winter wardrobe, don’t worry–you can always rent a storage unit for the long-term care and protection of your belongings. Lockaway Storage has storage facilities throughout Texas and Colorado to help you free up some space in your moving truck.

Mistake 5: Not Labeling Boxes

Labeling boxes is easy to do, and it can save you a heap of trouble. Without clear labels, boxes can get mixed up in transit, and you may end up rummaging through every single box looking for the exact thing you need. You should clearly label each box with the name of the room it belongs to and a brief description of its contents. This will streamline the unpacking process and help movers or helpers know where to place each box in your new space.


Mistake 6: Overestimating Your Strength

Moving heavy furniture and boxes can be physically demanding and pose a risk of injury if not done correctly. Don't hesitate to enlist the help of friends, family, or professional movers. Hiring movers can save you time and effort while ensuring that your belongings are handled safely and efficiently. Remember, there's no shame in asking for help when it comes to moving!

Mistake 7: Packing Hazardous Materials

Many moving companies refuse to carry hazardous materials such as flammable liquids, explosive substances, or corrosive chemicals. Properly dispose of these items according to local regulations before you move or seek professional assistance if necessary. Make sure to ask your movers beforehand what they will and won’t transport.

If you keep these common packing mistakes in mind and take steps to avoid them, your move can be smoother and less stressful. Just plan things out, get ready ahead of time, and don't be afraid to ask for help. That way, you can breeze through the move and settle into your new place without a hitch.

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